Friday, 20 May 2016

The Big Dip - Report Writing

Class 6 are writing reports about carny for different animals.

The first step they had to follow was to choose the animal that they would write about.

Next they researched facts about caring for those animals.

They then had to order facts into paragraphs.

Finally they wrote their reports.

Hafan Cymru - Healthy Relationships

We had a visitor from the charity, Hafan Cymru, in class today.

We talked about relationships. We had to understand what types of relationships we have. We also had to decide what was a healthy relationship and what was an unhealthy relationship.

Monday, 9 May 2016

We Are Programmers

We have created story boards for an animation that we are going to programme. 

We Are Programmers

In our ICT lesson this week we have designed our sprites and backdrops for our computer games/animations. Here are a few of our designs.

Monday, 25 April 2016

The Big Dip - Pond Dipping Code of Conduct

As part of our new topic, 'The Big Dip', we have written a code of conduct for when we go on our school trip to Cog Moor Water Works and do some pond dipping.

Here we are sharing our ideas during a place mat activity. 

Tuesday, 12 April 2016

Gods & Gladiators - Innovate

As part of our Gods & Gladiators topic, we performed role plays acting out arguments of Celtic Tribes. The arguments were about whether each tribe should surrender to or fight against the invading Roman Army. 

Each person was allocated a tribe. In their tribes everyone had a different character that they would act as. They had to convince the King of their point of view. The king for each group had to make the final decision for the tribe.

At the end of the afternoon Mr Hughes revealed what the tribes actually chose in real life.

Here are the pictures of us practicing our role plays.

Abacus Maths - Decimals

We been learning how to round decimals up and down. If it is under 1.5 you round it down but if it is 1.5 or over you round up. 

By Cohen, Chrs & Bode

Thursday, 24 March 2016

Easter Celebrations

Class 5 have had a fun day taking part in Egg Pacing and our class decorated egg competition. 

Well done to Riley for winning the decorated egg competition and to Ieuan for winning the Egg Pacing. 

Here are some photos of our morning:

Tuesday, 22 March 2016

Tests and Spelling

Yesterday and today we did tests to see how much we have learnt in our Abacus Maths lessons this term. 

Today we did spellings before lunch.

The tests were easy for some but hard for others and the spellings the same. 

The tests are maths tests and the spelling 'u' words.

Riley Kinsey

Tuesday, 19 January 2016

Jolly spellings

We have learnt the 'se' and 'ze' spelling patern. 

We have been putting our spellings in alpherbetical order and doing speech marks and speech bubbles. 

This Lana's book:

By Mary-Kate and Lana

Monday, 18 January 2016