Monday, 25 April 2016

The Big Dip - Pond Dipping Code of Conduct

As part of our new topic, 'The Big Dip', we have written a code of conduct for when we go on our school trip to Cog Moor Water Works and do some pond dipping.

Here we are sharing our ideas during a place mat activity. 

Tuesday, 12 April 2016

Gods & Gladiators - Innovate

As part of our Gods & Gladiators topic, we performed role plays acting out arguments of Celtic Tribes. The arguments were about whether each tribe should surrender to or fight against the invading Roman Army. 

Each person was allocated a tribe. In their tribes everyone had a different character that they would act as. They had to convince the King of their point of view. The king for each group had to make the final decision for the tribe.

At the end of the afternoon Mr Hughes revealed what the tribes actually chose in real life.

Here are the pictures of us practicing our role plays.

Abacus Maths - Decimals

We been learning how to round decimals up and down. If it is under 1.5 you round it down but if it is 1.5 or over you round up. 

By Cohen, Chrs & Bode