Friday, 20 March 2015

Book Day

Everyone has made a brilliant effort and the children looked fantastic! Today we have had fun writing about our favourite books while discussing the best parts. 

We also entered a book token competition to try and win new books for our school. First prize is £250 National Book Tokens for the school, £100 of tokens for the winning entry and £100 of tokens for the winning class. Plus the winner could see their design turned into a real National Book Token and it will be distributed to bookshops. Here is a lovely selection, wish us luck :). 

The children also enjoyed reading quietly in our comfy book corner. 

Class 5 had some welcome visitors this afternoon too :). 

Thursday, 19 March 2015

Children of the Revolution - Problem Solving

Today in Class 5 the children have worked really hard! They have spent the day doing maths independently as part our innovate week based on our current topic. The children were given a problem that they had to solve which was based on information about a Victorian boy who worked in a coal mine.


The children read the information and asked if they could underline/highlight key facts. They then planned what they were going to do, thinking about what the question was asking them and what methods they were going to use. 

The children then solved the problem by writing their method showing each step of their process. It was interesting to see how each group/pair solved the problem, as quite a few the children went about it in a different way.

The children then had to check their answer by reviewing their process. A lot of the children knew to inverse their process to check their answer. Some children went on to check further by using another method. 

To end the day the children shared what they had done with the class explaining their process on the board. 

Well done Class 5 I am proud of all you!